Connecting with Others Through Christ
The West York Church of the Brethren provides many opportunities to connect with others to learn, share and enjoy fellowship in the community of Christ.

Christian Education
The "Seeking Amazing Grace" Adult Education class meets at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning and is led by Pastor Godfrey. They are currently studying the book of REVELATION. They will still be referencing The Wired Word material. All are welcome to attend.

Care and Share Women's Group
Care and Share is a prayer and Bible study group for women. The group meets every Monday evening from 7:00pm to 8:00pm by Zoom. We welcome adult women from both the congregation and the community who want to grow in God’s word, offer support and encouragement to one another and who will commit to prayer for others during a time of need. We open the first part of our meeting with a time of sharing and the second part focuses on studying God’s word. As an outreach, the Care and Share group supports a card ministry to the homebound and participates with the Deacons’ food ministry. For more information contact Judith Wallace, group leader, or call the church office.

Music Ministry
Our Praise and Worship team leads our congregation each Sunday in worshiping our Lord through music. With a blend of traditional and contemporary Christian music, we praise the Lord with traditional hymns along with contemporary praise songs.

Youth Group
Students gather to hear truth from God’s Word, and receive challenges to help them grow in their relationships with Jesus and others.

Camp Eder Christian Camp and Retreat Center
Camp Eder is a year-round Christian Conference and Retreat Center located near Gettysburg, PA in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Our facilities range from hotel-styled rooms to rustic cabins. Enjoy wooded slopes, savory home-cooked meals, the sound crackling fires and fresh mountain air as you grow personally and spiritually in the serenity and splendor of God’s creation.

Prayer Line
Prayer is at the heart of our faith. Our Prayer Line is a service for all to call in and hear what prayer concerns have been shared. The number to call is
717-792-9260 (Option #5).
To add a prayer request to the Prayer Line, call the church office at
or send an email to